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imec.istart welcomes 8 new promising tech startups in its Spring 2021 cohort

Eight new startups may start their trajectory at accelerator imec.istart. One by one, they are promising tech startups that will spend a year getting ready to scale and break through internationally. Imec.istart also invests 50,000 euros in each startup, an amount that can rise to 250,000 euros. 

Imec.istart is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. It was one of the first European accelerators for startups in 2011. From the start, imec.istart focused exclusively on tech companies and now has more than 235 startups in its portfolio. Together, they have already raised over 380 million euros and are good for more than 2,000 jobs created. 


Healthtech startups are booming

After a rigorous, thorough selection from the Spring 2021 call (February), 8 startups are allowed to begin their one-year trajectory. "We see that COVID-19 does not put a brake on entrepreneurship and new ideas," says Sven De Cleyn, program director of imec.istart. "The impact of the pandemic is, however, clearly felt in the increasing number of healthtech startups. There, new innovations are popping up at an ever-increasing rate, both in improving the efficiency of health processes and in improving and making the medical care of patients more pleasant." 

"The impact of the pandemic is clearly felt in the increasing number of healthtech startups.”

"Besides health, platforms that analyse data and extract insights from it continue to do well," De Cleyn says. "If we look at technology, we see both software and hardware startups, in which the share of the latter group has increased in recent years. Some startups combine software and hardware innovations. The target groups are also nicely distributed: we see both B2C and B2B solutions among the new batch of startups." 

The new batch  

These are the 8 startups that are part of the imec.istart Spring 2021 batch:



Industry: Construction / Supply Chain

Rentaga makes it possible to compare the rental prices of construction equipment from different suppliers, and to rent it directly online.


PreAcc logo


Industry: Manufacturing / Security

PreAcc makes the workplace safer. The startup monitors the danger zone and alerts workers when dangerous situations are imminent. The technology is so precise that only the workers involved receive an alarm, not bystanders who are not in direct danger. 


Industry: Health reduces the administrative burden for clinicians and improves the analysis of clinical data. It offers clinicians a solution to take notes faster, more efficiently and in a standardized manner. These are also immediately linked to a dashboard.




Industry: Business Services / Life Science

Kwarts improves the experience of healthcare providers in their interactions with the Life Sciences industry. Their AI platform starts from on- & offline (behavioural) data to analyse and predict needs. The result? Better relationships with healthcare providers.




Industry: Utilities, Cleantech & Smart buildings

FixForm's mission is to keep every space in good and safe condition. The FixForm platform enables you to report any problem easily, follow it up and fix it (or have it fixed).


Expect Me

Expect Me

Industry: Hospitality / Consumer Services

Expect Me makes reserving a specific hotel room as easy as reserving an airplane seat. Based on an interactive floor plan and room overview, you choose the perfectly located room in the hotel. By linking that information to other features, hotels can work more efficiently, optimize their guest experience, and achieve greater returns.


Industry: Health offers the first medically certified speech therapy app in Belgium. People struggling with speech and swallowing problems can use the app to check whether there is a need for medical treatment and, if so, be followed up online by a specialist.




Industry: Health

MyPitch is a data-driven soccer community. Players at every level can discover their potential - and that of their friends - with stats. MyPitch does this with a free smart camera with which clubs can also earn money. 

Bloovi also covered our new Spring 2021 batch in this Dutch article


Interested to join these startups in our imec.istart Acceleration Program?

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